System Technology – Multi Axis

Expansion joints in Multi Axis pipe systems move in at least two planes. The motions may be parallel and perpendicular to a pipe centerline, or in two perpendicular plane. Solutions include a single expansion joint for all motions or two expansion joints with a 90-degree elbow.

Single expansion joint solutions will induce pressure force and require main anchors


  • No change in direction required
  • Lowest pressure drop if no changes in direction


  • Highest system install cost from anchor size and number of alignment guides
  • Highest forces and risks, pressure thrust applies
  • Specialty expansion joints may be more costly
  • Main anchors required
  • Maximum number of alignment guides if anchors located away from expansion joint
  • Not typically used for hanging or rooftop systems
  • For lower system forces and install costs, consider a system with two expansion joints with a 90-degree elbow system
  • Main anchors, supports, and alignment guides are required for correct operation and safety


  • Tunnel, ground-based, riser, or buried energy distribution systems across large distances where anchors are practically located at ground level or to substantial structures
  • Commercial, Industrial, Power, Petrochemical, and Laboratory systems of all sizes and pressures

Two expansion joints with a 90-degree elbow solutions do not induce pressure force and require only intermediate (non-pressure thrust) anchors.


  • Lowest system forces and risks
  • Smallest anchor sizes
  • Minimum number of alignment guides


  • 90-degree change in pipe direction required to allow lateral motion in each run
  • 90-degree elbow to be supported but not restricted from motion
  • Two or more expansion joints are required to allow lateral motion in each run
  • Consider a single expansion joint solution if space does not allow a 90-degree direction change
  • Intermediate anchors, supports, and alignment guides are required for correct operation and safety


  • Any system location including hanging, pipe racks, pipe risers, rooftops, tunnel, ground-based, riser, or buried energy distribution systems
  • Force limited systems requiring small forces
  • Force limited equipment connections
  • Commercial, Industrial, Power Generation, Petrochemical, Marine, Defense, and Laboratory of all sizes and pressures


4500 V-Flex (Steel)

4500 V-Flex (Copper)

1511R-1512R HyFlex Universal

1511IS Inline Seismic Universal Bellows

1511PBH/G-1512PBH/G Inline Pressure Balanced Universal Hinge or Gimbal


1507 H/G-1510 H/G HyFlex Hinge & Gimbal

Series 6600 Barco Ball Joint

3501IS-3502IS Single Inline Seismic & Settling